What does a DV victim look like????

Too composed to be believed that’s the position I am now in. The stigma around DV and all the various forms it comes in is something I never thought I would suffer from to be honest. I feel I fit the mould quite well 3 kids 2 dads and I was a single parent onContinue reading “What does a DV victim look like????”

The start of it…. hmmm

So my solicior has asked me to write a paragraph about the start of the relationship and add any thing you think the court would find rlelevant or need to know about Ok here goes S**t i have reached that point where i no longer describe what we had as love story. Is this reallyContinue reading “The start of it…. hmmm”

Therapy for me

Oh lord the universe works in funny ways. I recently spent 15 mins voice noting about the fact I see things I need to work in myself and how I am nit sure the timing is right for me to open these flood gates. I must stay strong and composed with my head in theContinue reading “Therapy for me”

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