What does a DV victim look like????

Too composed to be believed that’s the position I am now in. The stigma around DV and all the various forms it comes in is something I never thought I would suffer from to be honest. I feel I fit the mould quite well 3 kids 2 dads and I was a single parent onContinue reading “What does a DV victim look like????”

The start of it…. hmmm

So my solicior has asked me to write a paragraph about the start of the relationship and add any thing you think the court would find rlelevant or need to know about Ok here goes S**t i have reached that point where i no longer describe what we had as love story. Is this reallyContinue reading “The start of it…. hmmm”

Love after abuse

Here’s a reflection for you.. falling in love after abuse. Trusting someone again Believing someone again Did I mention trusting yourself again It all comes down to trust, what a word, so weighted and significant. Without it we really have nothing. I met my partner 3+ years after the split without realising I was stillContinue reading “Love after abuse”


I thought I would touch on what I have been left with anxiety sometimes crippling. This has changed me in ways I never thought possible sometimes for the goof I mean who needs friends and social events anyway totally overrated in my book. I spend most days fighting with myself over getting out socially IContinue reading “Anxiety”

The Love Bomb

As I sat in my kitchen listening to my past literally slapping me in the face it was surreal to say the least. In the few days after court which inevitably led to a huge emotional break down the remaining question once I stopped sobbing was How the heck did I ever let someone treatContinue reading “The Love Bomb”

Time to get this all out……

The court processes, lets start at the current day and blog backwards and forwards and all over the place. I feel this will help reflect my current head space. Wow what a time to be alive listening to my Ex rant on and on in court unrepresented and rogue with his words. Covid has broughtContinue reading “Time to get this all out……”

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